Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cleaning Out

Well the last couple days have been  Full of cleaning, organizing and just plain clearing out! Sarah came over and helped me get the boys clothes (too big or small) boxed and put in the laundry room to store. We were also able to get the random bags of give away clothes put together and actually taken to the Safe-T thrift shop where the proceeds go to battered women. James nor I could believe how much junk we had! But it felt good, really good to get rid of it all. Like a load taken off my shoulders!
As I was clearing out and deciding what goes and what stays It got me thinking about not only the junk in my house but also the junk in my life?! The little drama's I'm a part of but really don't have to be. The excuses that I need to get over to get back into my word every single day instead of when I can squeeze it in. The extra junk in my trunk that I can no longer blame on the kids! (sorry guys... but it's easier than blaming it on myself)
I got to thinking why only get that good shoulder lifting feeling with my house! So I'm determined to try fresh and new. I am going to be writing in a journal my mom got me for Christmas. But I want to purpose to do it everyday. Write one verse from my scripture that day that seems to tug on my heart. My Rhema! So pray for me about that.
We haven't gotten to go to our church in such a long time due to being out of town or sick babies and I must admit one morning we just plain slept in! But in our defense James was working 12 to 15 hour days and  so neither of us were sleeping well. We did listen to a podcast from our church's site though so we did get a sermon in. :) But I am really looking forward to the fellowship as well as being fed the word!
So I will leave you cyberspace and I will go to bed so that I can be well rested and awake for whatever God has for me tomorrow.

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