Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's been a while...

So yes, I haven't written in a while. But things have been a bit crazy. :)

Every Tuesday and Thursday evenings I have 5 extra kids I watch so their mommy and daddy can take a EMT class together.
 AND mostly I have been feeling poorly on account this is number 5 in 5 1/2 years and it's taking it's toll. I'm not the spry young thing I used to be. ;)  But God is good and His timing is perfect. We've trusted Him with our children and I know He will give me strength. Already I am starting to feel better. More energy and less nausea as the days go by. I am quickly approaching the second trimester, one of my favorite parts of pregnancy! Should start showing soon!

Justice is still convinced we are having a girl and I have decided to stop correcting him. (we don't know what we are having, well besides a baby that is) I am praying his faith is increased and Lord willing that is what the Lord blesses us with. Justice says we already have clothes for her cause Karis won't mind the new baby using her's. :)

We have been not so faithful with school mostly because of my pukiness feeling. But it surprises me how much they still learn in the 2 days a week we have gotten in. The good thing is they love to learn. :) I pray my attitude helps them to continue to see school as fun.

This is where we are right now....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kayla,
    I was so excited to see a comment from you. I have been wanting a way to get in touch with you. It is so much fun seeing you and your family on your blog. I would love to catch up and visit some time. Lord willing, maybe we can get together some day. Love you, Christina
